Building each other up

Absence and Attendance

School Hours - Arrival and Dismissal times

Members of staff are in the playground from 8.45am and children scould arrive at this time via the Winchester Road gate. The bell will go at 8:50am.

Parents or named individuals can collect children from the playground at the following times:

  • Reception, Year 1 and Year 2: 15:20
  • Year 3, 4, 5, 6: 15:30

Please remember that Winchester Road by the Turks Head/school gate is a local authority School Street. You cannot drive onto the road or park at drop off and pick up times, unless you are a resident. 

Punctuality and Attendance

We believe that regular attendance at school is paramount if each of our pupils is to benefit fully from their time at St. Stephen's.

As it is important that children are safe and therefore accounted for at all times during the day, we appreciated parental support and understanding for the implementation of the following routines;

  • If a child is late or absent, please call the school before 8.30am or email 
  • Any absence not supported by a phone call or note is recorded as an unauthorised absence and parents will be notified.  
  • If a child is not at school by 9.30 and a reason is not given, parents/carers will be telephoned for an explanation.
  • If a child is repeatedly late or absent a letter will be sent to the parents.
  • If you need to take your child out of school outside normal school hours, a note/email asking permission should be sent in advance to the class teacher.
  • When collecting or dropping off children out of school hours, parents or carers should sign their child in or out of the school book in our Reception area.

Please note children are not permitted holidays during term time. Our school has good attendance and overall absence is just 3.8%.

For more information, a copy of our Attendance Policy is on the website. 


Get Directions

Winchester Road,

By Phone

0208 892 3462

By Email


Our mission, as staff, governers, parents and members of the wider school community, is to make this vision a reality, constantly building each other up in love and learning.