Health and Wellbeing
As you know, the positive physical and mental health and wellbeing of our children is the single most important focus at St. Stephen's. Supported, happy children learn and thrive and with this in mind, we have a number of resources available to our whole school community that we'd like to share.
Please scroll down to find a wealth of guides, information, programmes and handy tips to help keep you and your children in the very best of physical and mental health.
As you know, the positive physical and mental health and wellbeing of our children is the single most important focus at St.Stephen's.
At our school we:
help children to understand their emotions and feelings better
help children feel comfortable sharing any concerns or worries
help children socially to form and maintain relationships
promote self-esteem and ensure children know that they count
encourage children to be confident and ‘dare to be different’
help children to develop emotional resilience and to manage setbacks
Supported, happy children learn and thrive and with this in mind, we have a number of resources available to our whole school community that we'd like to share.
Please scroll down to find a wealth of guides, information, programmes and handy tips to help keep you and your children in the very best of physical and mental health.
Please contact your child’s class teacher with any wellbeing issues, worries or anxieties who will be able to help you further or sign post you to further support outside of school.
In school:
In-school mentoring - With one of our wellbeing-trained members of staff.
Mental Health Support team (MHST) - The MHST deliver short term, evidence-based interventions for children and young people experiencing mild tomoderate mental health difficulties, such as anxiety, low mood and behaviour difficulties.
Social Skills Groups - These are designed to help with self-esteem, developing social skills, building friendships and getting the size of any problems in proportion.
Class teacher - The first port of call is always the class teacher.
Zones of Regulation - These are part of our St Stephen's everyday practice. They enable children to check in on how they are feeling and give them tools for next steps.
Richmond Children's Wellbeing Service: Working with the parents of children who are experiencing mild to moderate anxiety or common behavioural difficulties. They are a new early intervention service, set up to provide support for families who are experiencing these common concerns.
School Nurse - Our School Nurse, Charlie Pratten, is from the Richmond School Nursing Service.
The school nursing service can support children, young people and families with advice on a number of health needs, including bed wetting, healthy eating, sleep and emotional wellbeing.
Single Point of Access - We all need help from time to time and Single Point of Access can provide you with information on local services, and services provided by Achieving for Children.
The Single Point of Access is a multi-agency service, managing referrals for the boroughs of Kingston, Richmond and Hounslow.
Useful website links to which can be found in the Health and Wellbeing section of our school website
Smiling Mind is a free meditation and mindfulness app for young people developed by a team
of psychologists. Click to download.
Parenting with a mental health problem
Tips for looking after your wellbeing
Adults can also have 5 trusted adults! The staff at school are always ready to support anyone who needs it!
Self care is important! Take time in your day to focus in on yourself and get yourself a treat if you can.
Our Wellbeing Message from School Council
We are more than just the school, we are an entire community of people who all want to lift each other up in love and learning! We as a school council have compiled our favourite resources for students and their families to read and use at home and in their daily lives. We looked through these at a council meeting and picked out the very best for our community.
- Smiling Mind is a free meditation and mindfulness app for young people developed by a team of psychologists. Click to download.
- We have our 5 trusted adults that we recap every term.
- All classes have a worry box where we can write notes containing our worries to teachers.
- We have a reading shed for relaxation and a moment to take a breath.
- Zones of regulation charts in class help us display our feelings and help us put words to them.
- The sensory room is a great place to have a movement break
- Youth Helpline: 0330 606 1174 available everyday 10am to 10pm, which is run by trained volunteers. During night hours, a recorded breathing exercise is played which can help you through a panic attack using diaphragmatic breathing.
- Parenting with a mental health problem
- Tips for looking after your wellbeing
- Adults can also have 5 trusted adults! The teachers at school are always ready to support anyone who needs it!
- Self care is important! Take time in your day to focus in on yourself and get yourself a treat if you can.
Resources to help our children thrive!
Lying is one of those red-flag behaviours that we hate to see in our kids. But it’s also common for kids to tell lies at some point in their development. They do it for lots of different reasons — to dodge punishment, to get something they want, to avoid hurting someone’s feelings, to get attention, or just to see what happens. This week on we explore the most effective ways to respond to lies of various kinds, and at various ages. We also discuss how to prevent lying in advance, by incentivising honesty even in situations where telling the truth might be painful. And we’ve rounded up strategies to deal with related behaviour issues, including respecting boundaries, telling on other kids, bullying, and learning to be generous. The Child Mind Institute is an independent, national nonprofit dedicated to transforming the lives of children and families struggling with mental health and learning disorders. Our teams work every day to deliver the highest standards of care, advance the science of the developing brain and empower parents, professionals and policymakers to support children when and where they need it most. |
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![]() Every boy needs a positive male role model in their life, and especially during childhood. This relationship is most commonly filled by their dad but when this isn’t possible, another significant man in a boy’s life could take this place. MAN&BOY offer a number of opportunities designed to build trust and confidence between men & boys, to create strong and positive relationships. The video gives you a flavour of how MAN&BOY works. MAN&BOY recognises that ALL children, regardless of age or gender can benefit hugely from the positive, on-going involvement of a significant adult male in their lives and research has shown that this involvement has proven benefits. Improvements in educational attainment, increased self-esteem, better health outcomes as well as improved behaviour are all identified as potential positive outcomes. MAN&BOY currently concentrates on supporting boys aged between 9 and 12 ( school years 5,6,7 & 8 ) as we believe that this transition from junior to secondary school is particularly important in a boy’s life and that a supportive, encouraging male role model can make a huge difference to their self-esteem. We are planning to offer two courses, two camps and half-day events again from April-July 2021. |
Exercise those Demons Away
Resistance can be a sign of anxiety. So many children are saying no right now, whilst their parents tear their hair out. We’re in the middle of the most anxiety-provoking time globally our children (and us!) have ever experienced. Many children are hyper-aroused, and they show this with anger and resistance. If parents react with anger, then the child becomes even more anxious and more resistant.
It’s a time where parents need to take a deep breath and stay calm, even whilst their children shout and rage. Seeing a tantrum as a panic attack can help us to stay compassionate even when faced by outrageous and unreasonable behaviour.
Help children manage their anxiety by providing space for them to talk about their feelings. Talk about how anxiety is a normal human reaction in this situation, and many millions of people are worrying and having trouble sleeping right now. The best thing we know for anxiety is exercise, and many children are doing less exercise now that they are stuck in. There are exercise apps for smartphones and exercise games on consoles. Put some music on and dance. If they say no, you do it anyway. One day they may join in.
Not only is physical activity integral to a child’s physical health, but it is also critical for their mental health. Physical activity pumps blood through the body and provide energy for thinking and creating, which leads to increased performance in the classroom.
So how can you get those kids up and about? Keep reading for some entertaining ideas.
15 fun fitness activities for kids
Getting kids to “work out” can be challenging. But there’s no need to stick to run-of-the-mill, boring exercises like jumping jacks, push-ups and sprints. We put together a list of some fun and creative fitness activities for kids that will get them moving in no time at all.
1. Go on a bear hunt
“I’m Going on a Bear Hunt”? While this song can easily be sung while sitting on a tree stump at camp, there’s also opportunity to make the whole song more active. Act out the different motions: swim across the lake, climb up the tree and stomp over the bridge. This activity gets especially entertaining when you’re scurrying away from the bear at the end.
2. Play follow the leader
This classic game never gets old, and you don’t need any equipment to play. Let your kiddos take turns being the leader, directing the others to match their every move. Encourage them to get active by hopping, skipping, crawling, shuffling and using their imaginations.
3. Have a dance party
Pop in your favourite tunes, crank up the volume and get moving and grooving! For extra fun, kill the lights and turn on some fun lighting, like a disco ball or some lava lamps. Kids can compete for best dance move, or you can simply make up a dance to an entire song.
4. Create a scavenger hunt
Hide things all over the backyard or throughout the house and have kids race to find each clue. If you want to sneak even more exercise into this activity, include requirements with each clue, like “Do four cartwheels before moving on,” or “Make up a funny dance.” This activity is fun because it can be elaborate and long or short and sweet.
5. Use a Wii Fit
What a wonderful world of technology we live in today. Instead of letting your kids sit for hours in front of the television playing video games, leverage that love for technology and get them going with a Wii Fit game! There are all sorts of fun and active kids’ games out there such as Just Dance Kids, Nickelodeon Fit and many more!
6. Draw a maze in the garden
Chalk can help you create beautiful masterpieces, but it can also assist in some fun fitness activities. Draw an elaborate, detailed maze all over the garden, then let your little ones run (or race) through it! This activity encourages fitness and creativity at the same time!
7. Animal walks
Use your imaginations to come up with different types of animal walks! Imitate bears walking, or run fast like a cheetah. Waddle like a penguin, or pretend to swim through the ocean like a dolphin.
8. Have pillow fight
It’s an age-old activity, and pretty much every little kid’s dream! We recommend using pillows other than the feather-filled versions, unless you enjoy having a house covered in feathers.
9. Make an obstacle course
Using couch cushions, pots and pans, and plenty of other household objects, construct an engaging and challenging obstacle course. Kids can climb under blankets stretched between the couch and coffee table, or they can somersault across the living room. Take this kind of play outside if you want more room to move around.
10. Wheelbarrow or crab walk races
These tough, yet funny positions are both fun to attempt and hilarious to watch. Have kids race from one end of the yard to another, or time a pair to see how long it takes them to wheelbarrow around the house three times.
11. Clean-up race
What could be better than fun exercises for kids that benefit both their bodies and your house? Pick a room or assign the whole house and see which kid can clean up the most. This exercise is practical enough that you could employ a “clean-up race” in your kids’ rooms every day.
12. Go for a hike or nature walk
Who says walking long distances has to be boring? Pick a scenic trail, strap on your hiking boots and explore the outdoors! Go for a nature walk in a park, by a pond, or in the woods and investigate the landscape. Do a little research beforehand, and the exercise doubles as an academic lesson.
13. Red light, green light
It’s an oldie, but a goody! Play the “red light, green light” game in the garden, and help kids exercise and learn about following directions. Add colour visuals by making a red or green sign to help children learn about colour as well!
14. Hula Hooping:
For some reason, children love hula hoops!
Get your children some hula hoops and start hooping with them. Just teach them how to do it and we promise you that they won’t be able to get enough.
15. Blow off that steam!
We’re used to the tantrums our kids throw, right? What if I told you that you asking them to throw these temper tantrums on purpose when they’re in a good mood will actually help them both psychologically and physically?
It may sound a bit crazy, but when they kick and run and jump and scream, they’re getting tired out because of the energy they’re spending.
This also helps them get out all their pent up anger and emotion without them even realising it.
It’s time to get moving
Now you know that exercise doesn’t have to be boring. Start implementing these ideas into your child’s routine and emphasise the importance of being active. These activities may seem silly, but you’ll start laying the groundwork for a healthy, happy life.
By keeping active, even in the simplest ways, children can support each part of their body and their brain for optimum learning and growth.
Practical steps to help children manage their fears and worries:
We work closely with Child and Young People’s Wellbeing Service. The service offers a variety of resources and workshops for families who may need support. For more information visit their Youtube channel -
Achieving for Children have launched a new Resource Hub to help children, young people and their families with their emotional wellbeing. Waiting times for support are increasing and it is important that a wider range of support is available for children and young people when they need it.
These online self help resources include pre-recorded video workshops, helplines, online counselling and information leaflets.
We will be adding further information regularly so do keep checking back or if you have any suggestions do get in touch.
The Resource Hub is set out under themes to help you understand which services and support is available or might be useful under different circumstances. Each heading below is a link to the sections in the Resource Hub.
Thriving and prevention - community initiatives that support mental wellness, emotional wellbeing and resilience of the whole population (opens a new window)
Getting advice and signposting - focuses on children, young people and families who may require temporary support within the community, access to information and self management resources (opens a new window)
Getting help - focuses on children, young people and families who would benefit from focused, evidence based treatment (opens a new window)
Getting more help - the focus is on children, young people and families who would benefit from extensive long term treatment. Some conditions such as psychosis, eating disorders, emerging personality disorders and complex neurodevelopmental needs (opens a new window)
Getting risk support - the focus is on those who have not benefited from or are unable to use help, but are of such a risk they are still in contact with services (opens a new window)
Rehab 4 Addiction offers help on addiction and mental health issues
Firstly, Rehab 4 Addiction offers a wealth of resources and information about addiction and mental health, which could be invaluable to those in need. Secondly, we provide a helpline that offers immediate assistance to those struggling with addiction in Twickenham, a service that could be life-saving for some of your readers. Lastly, we offer a comprehensive directory of treatment centres throughout the UK, making it easier for those in need to find help near them.
As we approach the summer holidays, it's important to remember that this can be a particularly challenging time for those dealing with addiction and mental health issues. Many people feel more vulnerable during this period and may be in desperate need of the resources and support that Rehab 4 Addiction can provide.
For more information, please click on the link below:
10 Top Tips for Parents & Educators
Making a mistake isn’t the end of the world, but that can be a difficult thing to learn for a lot of people. Most children are still learning it, in fact. These kinds of setbacks 👎 and the feelings they bring on 😡 can provoke severe and unhealthy reactions in young people, if they’re not taught how to deal with their emotions in a healthy way.
However, it’s sometimes tricky to know what you can do or say to help these youngsters develop the confidence and adaptability to process these feelings in the future 😌 That’s why we’ve put together this guide featuring expert advice, letting you know how to build emotional resilience in the children and young people in your care. USE THE LINK BELOW FOR MORE INFORMATION
Please click on the link below for some excellent resources on children's mental health
Books and other resource recommendations (Charites, websites) for children and parents-