Building each other up


How to apply for a place at St. Stephen's

St. Stephen’s is a Voluntary Aided Church of England Primary School and responsibility for admissions lies with the governing body. The underlying ethos of the school is Christian but it is a church school for the whole community and it welcomes applications for pupils of other faiths or no faith. 

Our published admissions number is 60 children per school year with 6 Foundation places available for those families who worship locally. Please see below for our School Admissions Policy.

Foundation Places 

Parents must still complete the Supplementary Information Form, in order to demonstrate that they are known to their Church and are an active part of the congregation. However, the clergy can tick 'Other' with regards to frequency of attendance.

Admissions are handled by the Schools Admissions Team at Achieving for Children (AFC). They will be able to tell you if there are any spaces available or add you to the schools waiting list.

Parents/carers with any questions regarding school admissions should visit their website for further information by clicking here

For more information, see our Admissions Policy below or contact our School Business Manager on 020 8892 3462. 



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Our mission, as staff, governers, parents and members of the wider school community, is to make this vision a reality, constantly building each other up in love and learning.