GDPR, Parental Permissions & Privacy Notices
Parental Consent
Please click here for the Parental Consent Form. This form indicates your consent for:
- participation in on-site and off-site activities
- medical intervention (i.e. the administering of First Aid or sharing of medical information in the case of an emergency)
- child release (i.e. people authorised to collect your children or permission to walk home alone)
- information and image usage rights
- methods of communication
- participation in the telephone tree system
It is essential for every child to have a completed and signed Parental Consent Form. There are hard copies available from the School Office.
Privacy Notices
Please see below for St. Stephen's School's Privacy Notices:
Data Management & Document Retention Policy
Please click here to see our Data Management & Document Retention Policy.
Please click here to see our Data Protection Policy