Curriculum Design
Curriculum Design
Leaders have a shared understanding that the curriculum should be designed with the following vision in mind:
- Safeguarding is incorporated within our curriculum to help children keep themselves and others safe.
- Global Citizenship will help them become active future leaders that can be upstanders and change the world for the good.
- Our curriculum has structures which are evidence led, such as regular retrieval. It is underpinned by explicit vocabulary instruction and research-focused pedagogy.
- The curriculum is designed using a cross-curricular approach, as we know this enables our children to make connections across their learning, making it more purposeful and meaningful.
- A broad curriculum offer, accessible to all children.
- Curriculum design is based upon the National Curriculum
- Coherent Curriculum design must be clear, carefully considered, connected and sequenced so that children make progress and are secondary ready. All children find their strengths.
- Automacity - key knowledge is identified in each year group and subject
- Cultural capital - social mobility is enabled through language acquisition, vocabulary size, reading and a broad curriculum offer.
- All of the above ensures that our children are secondary school ready.
- Take every opportunity to promote our school values of peace, friendship, service, kindness, thankfulness, forgiveness, resilience, courage and respect.