Summary of Dates for 2024/2025
Wednesday 2nd April - Richmond Music Trust Singing Festival - KS2 Choir
Thursday 3rd April - Term ends 2.15pm
Friday 4th April - Staff Inset Day
Tuesday 22nd April - Children return to school
Wednesday 30th April - Reception Trip to The Polka Theatre
Friday 2nd May - FOSS Crazy Hair Day
Monday 5th May - Bank Holiday
Friday 9th May - Class assembly - Year One - Pankhurst (tbc)
W/c Monday 12th May - Year Six - SATs
W/c Monday 12th May - Staff Appreciation Week
Monday 12th May - Year Four Swimming starts
Monday 19th May - Year Two - Literacy Festival at Twickenham stadium (A.M)
Tuesday 20th May - Year Four - Literacy Festival at Twickenham stadium (A.M)
Friday 23rd May - Class assembly - Reception - Anning (tbc)
Monday 26th - Friday 30th May - Half term holiday
Monday 2nd June - Children return to school
Tuesday 3rd - Friday 6th June - KS1 SATS
Friday 6th June - Class assembly - Reception - King class (tbc)
W/c Monday 9th June - Phonics screnning Year Two
W/c Monday 9th June - Safer Walking - Year Three
Wednesday 11th June - KS2 - Sports Day (tbc)
Wednesday 11th June - World Environment Day
W/c Monday 23rd June - Diversity Week - (tbc)
Tuesday 24th June - Year Five trip to The Natural History Museum
Tuesday 1st July - Drop in session - new Reception children - 3.45 - 4.15pm (tbc)
Wednesday 2nd July - Drop in session - new Reception children - 3.45 - 4.15pm (tbc)
Thursday 3rd July - Drop in session - new Reception children - 3.45 - 4.15pm (tbc)
Saturday 5th July - St Margaret's Fair - Moormead
Monday 7th July - Transition morning (tbc)
Wednesday 9th July - Year Six Production (tbc)
Thursday 10th July - Year Six Production (tbc)
Wednesday 16th July - Open Afternoon (tbc)
Wednesday 16h July - Leavers Service - St Stephen's Church - 10am (tbc)
Thursday 17th July - FOSS BBQ (tbc)
Tuesday 22nd July - Term ends 2.15pm